Friday, January 3, 2014

A good list

During a lifetime not many things last.

We grow out of our clothes,

Our garden overgrows.

Our toys break apart,

Pictures lose heart.


The one thing we can always take with us,

Is our memories,

Of racing and climbing trees.

Of parties, and laughing,

Favorite foods and pizza topping.


As children we take things for granted.

Being able to kick balls for fun,

Chase the family dog in the warm sun.

Late night shadow puppet shows,

Catching a firefly as it glows.


Playing with friends and cousins,

Making fantastical adventures by the dozens.

Fighting over the swings,

Running home when mom rings.

But then we must grow up.


The memories fade, change.

But the love still remains.

We don't seem the same.

We make new friends,

Find new style, new trends.


We fall in love, if only for the moment.

We fight, we yell.

We cry and say "All is well."

We fall, and get up again.

To fall once more and be helped by a friend.


We grow, and learn.

Every day is new.

And if we look back well see how much we grew.

Our baby shoes no longer fit,

We no longer are easily upset.


We become the parent,

That soothes the crying child

Even if the injury is mild.

We give them new experiences,

Let them take risks, take chances.


Yet our memories still remain.

They’ve never changed.

They can't be rearranged.

Shared between unbreakable moments in time.

Times sung in a melodious rhyme.


To write these times as a list,

Is a mistaken action.

To force them through contraction.

Let the memories make a list,

A good list.

Monday, December 16, 2013

The Grinching

The time had come, the Grinching had started. Those with black hearts began to change. They enlarged in size, green fur sprouting from every pore. Glowing yellow eyes searched for those with full hearts that they could devour. The unchanged hid away in their homes, too terrified to walk the streets.
Christmas time had become a time of fear, the love, joy, and giving of the holiday has long been forgotten. It is a time of fear.
The Grinching began as a virus, air-borne. It attached to the part of the brain that controlled feeling, those who dispised and hated people and the holidays were changed. They changed into Grinches and rampaged around the street, destroying anything in their path. There was no cure.
Locked away in their cellars the unchanged ones lived on canned rations for the entire month of December. They rarely spoke a word in fear of attracting the Grinches.
The wonderous holidays are gone, and only fear remains. Fear of the Grinching.

Friday, December 6, 2013

New genre. New style.

Still as a statue, he watched her. She lived in isolation. So did he. He was hungry, starp pain in his stomach. He heard her steady pulse, or did he? He saw red. He was hungry. As silent as a shadow he crawled down from the roof. He followed her. She sensed someone, spine tingling. She looked around to find no one. She walked on, he followed.
She arrived home and opened the front door. He slinked in behind her. Her spine tingled, and she looked around. No one. Her home felt cold, she was afraid. She retreated to her bedroom, it was safe there. He waited.
She was afraid for many hours. She couldn't read, nor watch television. Unnerved she fell asleep. He approached. He grabbed her, muffling her startled scream. He brought his mouth to her neck. He wasn't hungry anymore. In the dark he fed.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

My Novel


Not the apocalypse we exected
Lace Bendheim
            Doomsday approaches, the world waits for the ground to start shaking and splitting apart. None see that the threat comes from outside our planet. Alien creatures that closely resemble dinosaurs launch a surprise attack and quickly conquer the human race. Now ten years later the technological prodigy Ace lives among the higher ranks of the Reptilians. During his attempt to escape he falls upon a murder and a secret that might just be the key to his survival.

Saturday, November 23, 2013

I regret following Doctor Who posts on Tumblr. I haven't seen the 50th anniversary yet. Shut up tumblr I get it!!! 

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Ah, seems I haven't been on here for a while. I apologize for that. It's been crazy this month as I am participating in National Novel Writing Month, so I've been highly focused on my novel. What's it about? Well that's a secret. 
Either way I hope all you readers are having a good November and have a wonderful Thanksgiving if you celebrate it.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013


Today ends the thriving crush I had. I found out he has another special to him, so I have no hope. It was my first real crush and I enjoyed everything that came with it, confusing as it may have been. The pain is not something I've ever experienced before. Physical pain I can handle, deep emotional pain, not so much. I have to be careful who I talk to, for it not to reach his ears. 
The worst is that we're friends, good friends at that. I don't want to mess that up, but I know it'll hurt when I see him again. I know I'll see him holding that girls hand, laughing happily with her, caring for her. 
I don't know how to get over it and it's only hurting more. I don't think I can drown my sorrows in ice cream and sweets. I need help. I need to forget. To move on. To heal my broken heart.